Well, Ryan has officially graduated. He’s now a certified commercial diver!

Unfortunately, the kids and I didn’t get to see the graduation. We were all ready to go, but the keys were MIA!! (The same keys I had carefully set aside not half an hour previously, so I’d know exactly where they were.) Ryan had gone on ahead as he needed to be there a few minutes early. I was in a frantic frenzy, which involved dumping out my purse, a basket that collects odds and ends, and flinging a newspaper just for the heck of it. My Rixie was so precious, “Don’t be sad. We could find your keys,” interspersed with, “Don’t worry, Hunny; I will find your keys.”

Turns out, the keys had magically lept into Ryan’s pocket as he was heading out the door. By the time we figured it out, it was way too late. Rixie was excited when I informed her that Daddy had the keys, “Oh! Daddy will come back and give you yer keys!” She didn’t quite understand, my sweet little cupie doll with hazel eyes and golden ringlets. And she cried when we didn’t get to go. (Well, I did too a little.) She had put a great deal of effort into helping everyone get ready, after all. She helped pick out clothes for everyone and waffled over which pair of shoes would go better with her pink polka dot dress. It was just about the time she settled on the pink, sparkly Barbie skimmers that everything fell apart…

Anyway, Ryan stuck around for his absurdly short ceremony and left lickety-split. When he got back, we took the kids to this place called Funplex and  they had an absolute ball (even if was a tad ghetto.) After eating at some hole-in-the-wall-Mexican-restaurant down the street from us, (with awesome food,) we put exhausted, happy children to bed. All’s well that ends well, I suppose.

Lastly, I will post images of the “diploma” they handed Ryan on stage. Sorry, but it’s all I got!



And c’est la vie.