A couple months ago, I took the kiddos to the park armed with only my 15mm to see if I could get some fun shots. I wanted to share a couple of those images, but first I want to share a Riley story.

The girls and I raced to pick up Riley from school, so we could go straight to the park to feed the ducks. We headed back to the apartment first and I sent Riley to his room to change out of his school clothes. He dallied and piddled and I got on him more than once. He insisted that he wanted to play with blocks and not go to the park. Eventually he came out wearing his Spongebob pajamas.

“I in jommas,” he pronounced.

“I can see that,” and I sent him back to his room to change into clothes.

He whined and carried on, “I don’t want to go to va park;  just weave me here. I will stay here.”

Having thoroughly reached my Riley limit, I commanded, “Riley Parker, put on your clothes and come on. You are going to the park and you are going to be happy!”

To which he responded, “I will not be happy. I will scare va ducks.” It was somewhere between a threat and a mere statement of fact. I was flabbergasted. But… he did put on his clothes, and he did come to the park, and he was happy.

And he did scare the ducks.



